Our Partnerships Assurance.


Volo Digital Agency


ZurMarke Studio


Pathpoint Consulting


Digiart Agency


ZurMarke Studio


Pathpoint Consulting


Digiart Agency


ZurMarke Studio

Our Journey Success

We are a IT service Company working with talents on delivering unique ideas.

Nam lobortis felis sit amet justo consectetur, id maximus tortor consequat. Sed fringill nisi lorem, sit amet blandit tellus vehicula id. Proin feugiat euismod lacus vitae suscipi. Aenean fringilla molestie eros in maximus. Nunc in nisl cursus, consectetur quam luck, euismod urna. Praesent pharetra magna vel magna varius, ut semper risus suscipit. Cl aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeoso. Mauris risus ligula, vulputate at dapibus vel, viverra in lacus.

Web Design
Digital Marketing
App Development
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Для кого подходят решения NEiRA?

Наши AI-powered решения эффективны для широкого спектра бизнесов, стремящихся улучшить взаимодействие с клиентами, оптимизировать процессы и увеличить продажи.

Neira особенно полезна для компаний, которые:

  1. Имеют большой поток клиентских обращений
  2. Стремятся автоматизировать рутинные процессы
  3. Хотят повысить качество обслуживания клиентов
  4. Нуждаются в масштабировании без значительного увеличения затрат
  5. Заинтересованы в персонализации взаимодействия с клиентами

Образовательные платформы


Neira помогает обучающим платформам автоматизировать 1ю линию обработки клиентов.

  • Мгновенные ответы на запросы
  • Персонализированный подход
  • Обработка жалоб
  • Реактивация неактивных покупателей
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Финансовые организации

Банки и Fin-Tech

Разбудите спящий капитал: Neira возвращает 30% неактивных клиентов в МФО за 30 дней. AI анализирует историю каждого клиента.

  • Активация карточных продуктов
  • Возобновление депозитов
  • Повторное кредитование
  • Кросс-продажи инвестиционных продуктов
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аренда и продажа

Neira помогает реактивировать спящих клиентов на повторные услуги.

  • Мгновенная реакция 24/7
  • ИИ адаптируется под каждого клиента
  • Масштабируемость без роста ФОТ
  • Запуск за несколько дней
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Рекламные сети и платформы

агрегаторы офферов

Neira помогает рекламным сетям и платформам автоматизировать реактивацию спящих клиентов на возобновление работы.

  • Автоматическая реактивация
  • Персональный подход
  • Улучшение конверсии
  • Быстрое внедрение
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найм сотрудников

Акцент на автоматизации рутинных задач, что позволяет HR-специалистам сосредоточиться на стратегических инициативах

  • Автоматизация рутинных задач
  • Ускорение процесса найма
  • Снижение нагрузки на HR
  • Быстрые ответы на вопросы кандидатов о вакансии и компании
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Автоматизирует продажи, отвечает на вопросы 24/7, персонализирует предложения. Повышает конверсию, снижает затраты.

  • Мгновенная обработка запросов
  • Обработка возвратов и жалоб
  • Реактивация клиентов
  • Интеграция с платформами E-commerce
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Showcase of Portfolio

Unveiling the Success Stories at Neira.

Feel free adapt this based on the specific managed services, features, and unique selling points your IT service company provides.

Client Testimonial

Inspiring Words from Clients of Us.

Become a Client
Great Digital Marketing!

Feel free to customize the key features based on the services and strategies you offer in each plan. This breakdown helps potential clients understand the specific value they'll receive at each pricing tier.

Mrs. Flurance Miyagi
Froxio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

You can adjust the length and style of the line to match the overall design and formatting of your document. Some other divider options include dashes, stars, or even a graphical element.

Dani Alves
Nurio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

The information you might include in a Managing Director's profile or information list typically consists of the individual's background, experience, and responsibilities within a company.

Mr. Daniel Scoot
Froxio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

The specific services offered by business consultants can vary widely depending on the consultant's expertise and the needs of the client. Consultants typically work closely with their clients.

Mr. Thomas Robert
Maxcrio, HR
Great Digital Marketing!

Feel free to customize the key features based on the services and strategies you offer in each plan. This breakdown helps potential clients understand the specific value they'll receive at each pricing tier.

Mrs. Flurance Miyagi
Froxio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

You can adjust the length and style of the line to match the overall design and formatting of your document. Some other divider options include dashes, stars, or even a graphical element.

Dani Alves
Nurio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

The information you might include in a Managing Director's profile or information list typically consists of the individual's background, experience, and responsibilities within a company.

Mr. Daniel Scoot
Froxio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

The specific services offered by business consultants can vary widely depending on the consultant's expertise and the needs of the client. Consultants typically work closely with their clients.

Mr. Thomas Robert
Maxcrio, HR
Great Digital Marketing!

Feel free to customize the key features based on the services and strategies you offer in each plan. This breakdown helps potential clients understand the specific value they'll receive at each pricing tier.

Mrs. Flurance Miyagi
Froxio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

You can adjust the length and style of the line to match the overall design and formatting of your document. Some other divider options include dashes, stars, or even a graphical element.

Dani Alves
Nurio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

The information you might include in a Managing Director's profile or information list typically consists of the individual's background, experience, and responsibilities within a company.

Mr. Daniel Scoot
Froxio, CEO
Great Digital Marketing!

The specific services offered by business consultants can vary widely depending on the consultant's expertise and the needs of the client. Consultants typically work closely with their clients.

Mr. Thomas Robert
Maxcrio, HR
Working Process

Bringing the best IT Vendors To You.


Client Consultation

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Strategy Development

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Market Research

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Campaign Planning

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Campaign Planning

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Client Consultation

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Strategy Development

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Market Research

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Campaign Planning

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Campaign Planning

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Client Consultation

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Strategy Development

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Market Research

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Campaign Planning

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.


Campaign Planning

Sed accumsan sem cursus luctus porta. amem Phasellu du enim, efficitur quis velit ac, fringilla posuere leo fusci.

Overcome the IT Challenges

Discover the Advantage

We are a IT service Company working with talents on delivering unique ideas.

Where innovation meets passion in a journey that started with a simple idea and a shared dora Founded in recent year we embarked on a mission told bring the new innovation and introduct the technology. From humble beginnings to our current aspirations.

Where innovation meets passion in a journey that started with a simple idea and a shared dora Founded in recent year we embarked on a mission told bring the new innovation and introduct the technology. From humble beginnings to our current aspirations.

Project Completed


Awesome clients

Years of Experience

Awards Winning

Our Creative Team

Get to Know Creative Minds At Neira.

Feel free adapt this based on the specific managed services, features, and unique selling points your IT service company provides.

Cassian Coleson

Founder at, Neira

Jacob Logan

Web Designer

Charlotte Amelia

Software Developer

Sofia Scarlett

Graphic designer

Maverick Dylan

Digital Marketer

Violet Penelope

HR, Manager
Blog & Article

Tech Tips and Trends Article Unveiled.

Feel free adapt this based on the specific managed services, features, and unique selling points your IT service company provides.

Work With Us

We would love to hear more about your project.